Belbroughton Primary

The Governing Body


Governing Board of Belbroughton School

The school is a Church of England Voluntary Controlled school. Under the current Instrument of Government there are 12 Governor’s positions:

Head Teacher

3 Parents Governors

1 Nominated by the Local Authority

1 Staff Governor

3 Foundation Governors

3 Co-Opted Governors


The Chair of Governors is Tony Carey.

The Vice-Chair of Governors is Erica Simpson.

The current governors are listed in the Governor Register which can be found here.

Attendance records for the Governing Body 2024-2025 can be found here.

Attendance records for the Sub Committee 2024-2025 can be found here.

Attendance records for the Governing Body 2023-2024 can be found here.

Attendance records for the Sub Committee 2023-2024 can be found here.

Attendance records for the Governing Body 2022-2023 can be found here.

Attendance records for the Sub Committee 2022-2023 can be found here.

The Governors Academic calendar 2023-2024 can be found here

The Governors Academic calendar 2024-2025 can be found here.

The Role of the Governing Body

The purpose of the Governing Body is to provide strategic oversight of the school to ensure that it provides the best possible education for all of its pupils.

The key responsibilities of Belbroughton’s Governing Body are:

Acting Strategically, setting the schools direction by:

  • Setting the school’s strategic framework including setting the vision, values and aims for the school
  • Agree the strategic priorities, aims and objectives and for the school
  • Sign off policies, plans and targets
  • Exercising powers and duties ensuring that the school meets its statutory duties
  • Monitor progress against the agreed strategic objectives


Monitor and Evaluate the work of the school by:

  • Supporting and challenging the work of the school by asking the correct questions in relation to
  • - Pupil and school performance
  • - Quality of teaching
  • - Pupil well being
  • - Parental satisfaction
  • - Knowing the strengths and weakness of the school through reports, meetings and governor visits


Managing Accountability by:

  • Supporting and strengthening the Headteacher’s leadership of the school
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure that money is well spent
  • Being accountable as a governor to the broader Community to ensure that the school strives for the highest standards of educational achievement for all pupils


The Headteacher is responsible for the internal organisation, management and control of the school and implementation of the strategies established by the Governing Board.


Governance in Practice

The objectives outlined above are achieved through a number of processes including

  • Meeting of Full Governing Body ( termly)
  • Meeting of Sub Committees which are
    • o Teaching and Learning
    • o Finance
    • o Premises
  • Governor Monitoring Visits
  • Monitoring performance of the Headteacher

Further information on when these activities take place can be seen in the Governors' Academic calendar on the website.

Finance Committee

Initial oversight and management of the annual budget drawn up by the school; Ensures the school maintains an appropriate system of internal financial control; Agrees priorities for revenue and capital funding.

The Chairperson is Lorna Booth

Teaching and Learning Committee

Ensures the school offers a broad and balanced curriculum in accordance with the National Curriculum; Reviews school performance data and ensures lessons learnt are addressed

The Chairperson is Tony Carey.

Premises Committee

Oversight of the management and maintenance of the school premises; Reviews proposals for capital projects and ensures best practice in procurement and implementation of works; Provides advice and guidance on premises maintenance issues; Lead responsibility for Health & Safety and monitoring of associated statutory requirements (e.g. Fire safety, Legionella etc.).

The Chairperson is Glynn Ashman.


Areas of Specific Responsibility

In addition to the committees detailed above, there are link governors to provide focused support and oversight for specific areas.

  Link Governors


 Flo Hayles




Erica Simpson


 Lorna Booth

Health & Safety

Glynn Ashman


Tony Carey


Liz Perry

Religious Education & Collective Worship

Glynn Ashman


Tony Carey

Special Education Needs

Liz Perry

Sports Premium & Pupil Premium

Claire Lewis

Staff Whistleblowing

Erica Simpson


Contacting the Governors

Should you have any questions about the governance of our school please do not hesitate to contact us by emailing